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Kenny Mixon – Commander
Cell Phone (803) 464-6976
A. J. Brooks Mihlbauer-1st Vice Commander
Cell Phone (803) 295-9191
Larry Lighthill - Adjutant
Cell Phone (803) 883-8138
Dorian Brunson - Service Officer
Cell Phone 910-273-4455
Billy Thompson - Chaplain
Home Phone (803) 481-2477
Cell Phone (803) 983-9546

Cleo Klopfleisch - HISTORIAN / PUBLICITY
Cell Phone (803) 406-2177
Philip Good - Americanism
Cell Phone 301-775-8233
For additional information on events
listed on the sumter-post-15 website,
or if you'd like to add information,
please contact me on my cell phone, or
email: Publicity@sumterpost15.com


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